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Act Twelve, Page Four

Act Twelve, Page Four published on No Comments on Act Twelve, Page Four

Another late page. My apologies again! I am trying to find time to post an update, but long and the short of it, my partner and I are planning our wedding. While it’s not some big white wedding, even small courthouse stuff takes a lot of time an planning (and uh…the wedding is on August 10, sooooo time is of the essence). There’s a billion other things at play, too.

*Comic Fury Zine just released and that took a lot of time putting together
*I have a submission for Summer in Aradia due…very soon
*I’m applying to a zine symposium and OMG trying to get my shit together and update my website so they can see my work.
*Planning to apply to Silver Sprocket Publications for a different comic project (not Dark Horse)
*Getting the family out here for the very small ceremony and trying to not go broke (them and us, we aren’t rich ya’ll and following dad’s passing, the governments-State & Feds-cut all Mom’s SS and dad’s retirement and she’s got two other people living with her. Huzzah! America! Land of the free, if you’re rich).
*I’m sure I’m missing something, but that’s all the more personal I need to get and you get the idea.

I have Friday’s page complete, and I have three pages lined up to redraw portions of and hopefully get lined up to publish on time! But thank you all for your patience! This is the first time in a long time I’ve been late to post on my main website (actually, these past two weeks may be the first time. Damn. I had a good streak while it lasted. Such is life).

Act Twelve, Page Two

Act Twelve, Page Two published on No Comments on Act Twelve, Page Two

Apologies readers! I almost had this complete yesterday, but have been juggling too many projects (also had a few irl things deal with today). It’s here! And Friday’s page is already complete and scheduled to post at our normal time!

Thank you once more for your patience!!


Blue Dragon/Ashleen

Act Twelve, Page One

Act Twelve, Page One published on No Comments on Act Twelve, Page One

Here we go! Let’s get this chapter started!

*Last few chapters have been a bit serious. This chapter, I’m trying to lighten the mood a bit. It will get a bit heavy again, but I need a break, and I want to show some personality.

Also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINGO! Peace and Love!

Act Twelve

Act Twelve published on No Comments on Act Twelve

Here we go! This is a moment I’ve been waiting to share here for a very long time! “Time Warp” begins this week.

Thank you to all who read and have gotten this far. I’m striving to improve both art and story telling. I don’t claim to be perfect, but I hope that the up coming chapter helps us continue to get the know the cast better, as well as introduce us to the “future.”

Also, here’s some relevant information I found fascinating: