Aaaaand we’re gonna be back next week, folks! Out of the flashforward, and back to the past! I always excited for a new chapter, but yeah: I’m excited for this Act! XD The colors on this cover, by the way, are significant.
Thank you all so much for being patient! I have tried to work on this as fast I can to keep the break short. Were it not for updating webtoons, Act 4 would still be posting (as it is on Tapas). But, I figure it’s a win / win, because you get pages here much earlier than you would on Tapas, and also earlier than Webtoons (which will not be updating until January 2021).
But of course, Patrons get it all first, so if you want to support the comic (support me), you can check out what my Patreon has to offer.
Please stay safe, be kind to one another, and keep on truckin’!
~Blue Dragon/Ashleen